Meet Heidi

Meet Heidi

“I have always tried to keep myself active and felt I was in fairly decent shape when I started Boot Camp in January…it didn’t take long to find out otherwise!  One of the biggest hurdles for me personally was learning with Courtney’s help, to eat healthier and to make better choices. Knowing that someone will be critiquing everything you put in your mouth really makes you think when you are standing at the pantry door!  Every session is a different workout. You never know what Courtney has planned for you and that for me is the absolute best part of this program. After my first six weeks I was hooked.  I find myself so looking forward to boot camp days, not only for the workout, but for the encouragement you receive and the camaraderie you form with the other campers. Probably not many people will say they are excited to get up and go exercise, but I am one of them! I have seen the proof that this program works in both me and other campers. ” 

Thank you Courtney!

Meet Wesley

Meet Wesley

“I hate to exercise but LOVE Boot Camp Challenge. After literally decades of thinking I would actually get off the couch and get in shape rather than just complain about it, I have finally found success with Courtney in Boot Camp Challenge. I had been a lifelong lazy person who was “allergic” to exercise and totally lacking self motivation to get to the gym.  To say that I was the least fit person in the first six week program would not have been an exaggeration. I managed 2 full pushups and walked much of the run with my knee in a brace. My backside jiggled so much it stopped several seconds after I did.  The first week, my muscles were so sore I thought I’d been run over. It helps to know that everyone felt that way not just me. Courtney adjusts for all fitness levels and has modifications which let each person workout to the best of their ability. By the final test in the first session I knocked out 20 proper pushups, dozens more sit-ups and shaved 2 minutes off my run time. I see a huge difference in myself with each session. Now after six months of training with Courtney, Boot Camp has become an addiction. I hate to miss a day. I look forward to each class because the workouts are different and all bring results.  My fitness level has increased so much that I now look for other activities to try even regularly taking yoga and running on my own at home. I still don’t like running but now know the benefits of getting out and doing something, even walk/running has benefits (and if I call it intervals it sounds better). Not only have I lost inches and ten pounds of weight, I’ve lost my jiggle and the knee brace! Through Boot Camp I have seen improvement in my strength, muscle tone, balance, and best of all- my attitude towards exercise. Fitness and eating well are now a lifestyle change I will stick with” 

Meet Amy

Meet Amy

“When I joined boot camp in August of 2011, I was in a size 8-10.  I wasn’t overweight but just flabby with my “mommy belly” and out of shape.  I felt like I was mentally pretty strong (having survived 2 1/2 deployments) but just wasn’t feeling physically strong.  I had low B-12 and no energy. (Even with the bi-weekly B-12 shots, I was struggling.)  I had some minor lower back and shoulder pain.  I was seeing a chiropractor and he agreed that this was a great way to strengthen my weak core.  My husband was working out in Afghanistan and it motivated me to get my butt into gear.  I have been in Boot Camp since August and it’s now April. I can lift things I couldn’t dream of lifting before.  (The Christmas tree that I couldn’t drag downstairs to the basement last deployment was a breeze to carry up the stairs this past Christmas.)  I no longer struggle with low B-12 and it’s due to diet and exercise-not shots.  My core is stronger, my entire body feels better, I have more endurance, and I can see the results.  I am a solid size 4!!!!!!  I have lost 9% body fat and 6.5 inches.  I am so much happier with the way I look in clothes!!!” 

Meet Natalie

Meet Natalie

“My first 4 week session I lost 4inches total, shaved 30 seconds off my mile (with a sprained ankle), doubled my push-up and sit-ups.   So many inches later, push-ups, planks, sit-ups, sprints and add on days later I am healthier and happier than I have ever been.  I have lost weight before but not inches.  The difference is AMAZING.”

“Boot Camp is now a family affair with us.  My mother attends the morning sessions and my husband drops in the evening classes when possible.  The atmosphere is so encouraging and everyone is so supportive of each other.  It’s not your typical work-out class that’s for sure.  I have been known to walk out of several classes before or pay my money and not go.  Not with Boot Camp.  I love to hate it and hate when I have to miss it.  I believe my Easter pictures a year apart speak louder than any words I can type”