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Finding My Grit

No matter how hard I try in the next 30 days. I will probably drop the ball on something.

I will miss a workout. I will eat cheese dip & tortilla chips more times than I should. I will forget to bring a toy for my daughter’s “Show & Share”. And then I will beat myself up over and over again until I become numb and just say, “I suck”.

Sometimes I, and maybe you too, need a friendly reminder of grit. That it’s not about these day to day obstacles, its about my perseverance towards my long term goals of a happy, healthy life.

When I am lost, here is how I, personally, find my grit again.

1) My morning routine.

As soon as I get “that I am a failure” mumbo jumbo in my head, I realize my morning & nightly routine slacked at some point.

Every Morning I..

– Listen to a motivating podcast on my way to work
– Write 7 things I am most grateful for in my journal before I open any email
– Determine the burning issues for the day and schedule time in my calendar

2) Back to Healthy Eating 101

I add:
– 120oz of water [50oz before my first cup of coffee]
– Healthy breakfast of eggs with spinach, berries, and sweet potato
– My go to healthy dinner of tilapia, asparagus and potatoes

I eliminate:
-Just one bad thing for the week, usually sweets or alcohol

3) Move

There’s this myth I use to believe that every workout must be at least 45 minutes and I must sweat for all of it. Some days I’m lucky if I get 10 minutes, but I now know the importance of just moving.

-Rowing 2,000M

-Jump Rope 4 sets of 250 with a sprint between each set

-Mini Band Workout
20 Pop Squats
20 Bridge w/ Hip Opener
20 Fire Hydrant [each leg]
20 Plank Jacks
Repeat 2-3x

4) Intentional Schedule

I get out my calendar and write even the smallest things in 20-50 minute blocks.

When I do all of the above, I find myself taking control of those things I can control and slowly start to feel like my kick ass self again. Here’s to taking control and finding your grit again.